Friday, April 18, 2014

Dark Angels Tournament List

Evening everyone sorry for the delay in a new post work and home has kept me busy.  But that's not why your here so sit down grab your drink of choice and lets get to it.

After my last tournament the owner of the shop announced the criteria for the next month's tournament.  They are as follows 1750pts, single codex (no allies) the one exception being the new imperial knights. So I have gone back to my codex and really started thinking.  Normally I have brought a deathwing/greenwing combination, but I am finding that in this edition I simply don't have the numbers or mobility to deal with what I am seeing across the table. I have ideas regarding that but that is for another post.  As fate would have it my amazing wife bought the ravenwing battle force for me this last Christmas and so my options have opened and this is what I have come up with.

HQ                 WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Ld   Sv
Azrael               6      5    4   4    4    5   4    10    2+ (4+)
         Wargear:  Lion's Wrath, Protector, Sword of Secrets, and Lion Helm

Troops            WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Ld   Sv

Deathwing#1    4      4     4   4    1    4   2    9     2+ (5+)
         Wargear:  Storm Bolter, Power Fist, Power Sword, Assault Cannon
Deathwing#2    Same as the above entry
                         WS   BS   S   T   W   I   A   Ld   Sv
Ravenwing#1     4      4    4    5    1    4   1    8     3+
           Wargear:   Twin-linked Bolters, Plasma Gun, Power Mace and Melta Bomb
           Upgrade:   Veteran Sgt.
Ravenwing#2     4     4     4    5    1    4   1    8    3+
            Wargear:    Twin-linked Bolters, Melta Gun, Combi Flamer and Melta Bomb
            Upgrade:    Veteran Sgt.
Ravenwing#3     4     4     4   5    1    4    1    8    3+
             Wargear:    Twin-linked Bolters, Plasma Gun and Melta Bomb
Attack Bike#1    4    4     4    5    2    4    2    8    3+
             Wargear:     Twin-linked Bolter and Multi Melta
Attack Bike#2      Same as the above entry
Tactical Squad     4    4    4    4    1    4    1    8    3+
              Wargear:      Bolters, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Gun, and Plasma Cannon

Fast Attack
Ravenwing Support Squadron    BS: 4  Armour Front:10 Side:10  Rear:10  HP:2
          Typhoon: Multi Melta and Typhoon Missile Launcher
          Tornado#1:  Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon
          Tornado#2:   Multi Melta and Assault Cannon
So there you have it my list as it stands is 1747pts. I am facing an unknown local meta but cover on the table has been sparce the subburbs as I would call it. Please look it over and feel free to comment I am open to other options I may have missed models providing :). Constructive criticism is welcome.  I should point out my youngest helped me with the list it was very satisfying as a dad to have my one year old flipping through my codex and pointing out her ideas.
until next time

Monday, April 7, 2014

Where it all Began

I believe that to see how far one has come you need to know where you or they started. For myself I was introduced to the grim dark world of 40K back in 1999 with Battlefleet Gothic. It was on a band trip to Victoria, Canada. By random chance I walked into a game store and there were tables set up. I ended up playing a small game thinking it was a lot of fun but as an eighth grade student I didn't have the money. So I walked out with a Games Workshop pamphlet in hand remembering the fun I had. Sadly there were no game stores where I lived and I had no idea how or where to find one. Fast forward four years to 2003 and college. It was winter term and I was walking around town and bam there I found a game store and within all the goodies that make up Warhammer 40K. After talking with the owner I settled on the Space Marines as I was told they were a good starter army and I thought what could be cooler than genetically altered super soldiers. So I made my first 40K purchase the old metal Space Marine Captain.
As you will see in later posts my skills have definitely improved from 11 years ago. I could have stripped him down and repainted him as I have done to most others in my collection from that time but I have resisted. As I said at the beginning I believe that you must know where you started to know how far you have come and he is my reminder of where I started and how far I have come.


A New Begining

Welcome all to the Angels of the Tempest my Warhammer 40K blog.  This is my first attempt at blogging so bear with me. After following a series of blogs over the course of a year I thought that now maybe a good time to get out there connect with others in the hobby. I hope to bring topics of discussion both on and off the tabletop. As well as showcasing my collection as it continues to grow I plan on sharing what I have learned along the way from others and my own experience to hopefully help others build their skills. As this hobby is multidimensional this blog will be too, with posting about the aforementioned tabletop and model facets to the occasional book review and news discussion. I hope that you will join me in this new adventure, I cant say where we will end up but the journey should be fun.
