Monday, April 7, 2014

Where it all Began

I believe that to see how far one has come you need to know where you or they started. For myself I was introduced to the grim dark world of 40K back in 1999 with Battlefleet Gothic. It was on a band trip to Victoria, Canada. By random chance I walked into a game store and there were tables set up. I ended up playing a small game thinking it was a lot of fun but as an eighth grade student I didn't have the money. So I walked out with a Games Workshop pamphlet in hand remembering the fun I had. Sadly there were no game stores where I lived and I had no idea how or where to find one. Fast forward four years to 2003 and college. It was winter term and I was walking around town and bam there I found a game store and within all the goodies that make up Warhammer 40K. After talking with the owner I settled on the Space Marines as I was told they were a good starter army and I thought what could be cooler than genetically altered super soldiers. So I made my first 40K purchase the old metal Space Marine Captain.
As you will see in later posts my skills have definitely improved from 11 years ago. I could have stripped him down and repainted him as I have done to most others in my collection from that time but I have resisted. As I said at the beginning I believe that you must know where you started to know how far you have come and he is my reminder of where I started and how far I have come.


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